Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New BGM of Dragon Nest SEA !!! I Really Love...

I am playing Dragon Nest SEA ...
and I realized something different with the BGM in Calderock and Saint Haven...
BGM sounds like a Gooddess' songs... The first time I thought its Elf 's song... but after I searched it in Google and Youtube, I found that is a songs of Gooddess...

There are the new BGM I found from the Youtube :

Erutan - Day of Destiny  
[Saint Haven's New Song]

Lyric :

We notch our bows and wait for the 'morrow
Cold is the night and nary a tear
For on the morn' we head into shadow
There is no room for our fear

His eyes are cruel

His evil is endless
Black is his soul and ne'er will he rest
Till all the world lies covered in darkness
And none who'd fight him are left

*Tha'nera Telezia

Fly straight and true o my arrow
The day of destiny comes
I'll follow the path only fate knows

Tha'nera Telezia

Forwards to glory my sisters
Today our hearts beat as one
When hope is the faintest of whispers*

Our songs of fire, our footfalls of thunder

On we will go, this army of light
Though peril's storm may tear us asunder
For our dear home we will fight

Geraint, the Gold. Argenta, the Silver

Cloaked from our sight, yet saviors to all
When all seemed lost and blood ran in rivers
Down, the Black Dragon did fall


O'hark young ones the battle yet rages

Take up your bows there's no time for words
Go make your mark in history's pages
Let songs of your bravery be heard



Brought to you by Jetroyz, Satevis, Gracie and cleverdawn.
from : http://forum.cherrycredits.com/topic/203509-day-of-destiny-lyrics/

Erutan - Eternal Path 
[BGM of Calderock Village]

Lyric : 

Ontas kritela nosontilis
Virtili valetzuri
Kiyetu  sanala hala'hui
Leilian vo elus virras



Vira notu sotiso
Wori melivra o
Hui'sas sanaa'ela hala
Rekriato me
Kaya naiatolus
Werihi kala'us
Le'a  le'u teras
Rekriato me…
Rekriato me…

Honya valelus sonavelis

Viri as'ana dore
Ashai valerias solathelas
Resha uro huitusviratus
(repeat cho)


Vitoris  analesa litus
Kaya noseras sai'us
Vitolis analesasa litus
Kaya noseras sai'us
(Repeat cho)

from : http://nataliarjp02.deviantart.com/journal/The-song-Of-Goddess-quot-Eternal-Path-quot-Lyric-302424285

Monday, February 24, 2014

SCANDAL New Single Split with T.M. Revolution for Sengoku Basara 4 OP/ED

wow !!!
SCANDAL kembali membuat fans-fansnya bahagia dengan split single yang khususnya ditunjukan untuk mengisi soundtrack Game PS3 Sengoku Basara 3. SCANDAL berkolaborasi dengan T.M. Revolution dalam Single ini.

Single [COUNT ZERO|Runners High ~ Sengoku Basara 4 EP~] dirilis 12 Februari 2014.
Terdiri dari Limited Edition dan Regular Edition. Regular Edition hanya terdiri dari CD Single. Sedangkan Limited Edition terdapat bonus DVD.

Ini dia Split Single SCANDAL dan T.M. Revolution !!!

Limited Edition (CD + DVD)

ESCL - 4156 
Harga 1,800 Yen

CD Track List : 

1. Count Zero
2. Runners High
3. Count Zero (Instrumental)
4. Runners High (Instrumental)

DVD Track List :

1. Sengoku Basara 4's Official Movie
2. You can only see it here !! T.M. Revolution and SCANDAL's original program

Regular Edition (CD Only)

ESCL - 4158
Harga 1,233 Yen

CD Track List :

1. Count Zero
2. Runners High
3. Count Zero (Instrumental)
4. Runners High (Instrumental)

Source : http://www.scandal-heaven.com/t9414-split-single-count-zero-runners-high-sengoku-basara-4-ep