Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
When I Joined The Competition..
WOW ! what happened with this class ????
kenapa semuanya jadi berantakan begini yak ????
begini ceritanya ..
karena ada suatu insiden dasyhat yang terjadi ketika pembuatan film kemaren, maka akhirnya kepala sekolah dan wakasek kurikulum sekolah gue memutuskan untuk memecah kelas SSN gue .. brrrrbrbrbrbrbrrrrrrr....
dan dipecahlah kelas gue.. yang tadinya dijanjikan 3 tahun akan bersama-sama selama 3 tahun sejumlah 32 orang, akhirnya 6 orang personil harus keluar.. walah..
gue menerima hal itu dengan lapang dada.. walaupun temen ngobrol gue harus menghilang sekarang.. hiksss..
lalu, masuklah 14 orang terbaru ke dalam kelas gue.. mereka adalah new comer dari XI IPA 3.. gue cukup senang lho mendapat teman baru ^_^
well, sekarang kelas gue berjumlah 40 orang.. dan kelas gue pun dipindahkan ke sebelah ruang BK.. rasanya gak sebebas dulu.. huftt.. gak bisa punya bangku sendiri, pake dispenser kelas, liat whiteboard.. hufttt..
sekarang pake blackboard.. ~__~ butek sudah nih mata..
One week Later...................
awalnya keadaan kelas yang masih agak asing ini biasa-biasa saja.. akan tetapi, terjadi suatu yang dasyat ketika gue sedang mengikuti kompetisi reporter hari Sabtu, 24 Juli lalu..
anak-anak mantan IPA 3 yang bernaung di kelas gue pada angkat bicara.. merekan mengeluarkan ketidak puasan mereka di depan wali kelas gue.. waduh ! ketinggalan event seru dah gue ! (Digetok ! )
gue yang sedang mengikuti perlombaan, gak bisa konsentrasi penuh.. gue mikirin kelas and club gue.. KACAU !
sepulangnya dari perlombaan yang gue ikuti bersama Dinda dan Ade, gue bergegas ke taman IPB.. >>>>>>>>>>>>Pembaca : akh, ini mah ntar aja diceritainnya !
Dinda, Adan,Jo,Izul,Mia.. yang merupakan orator di kelas IPA 1.. tidak ada saat kejadian berlangsung.. akhirnya, IPA 1 kalah angkat bicara dengan IPA 3.. waduh-waduh..
ketika masuk sekolah, gue bertanya-tanya kepada anak-anak IPA 1.. mereka menceritakan dengan penuh emosi dan penghayatan yang pasti .. waduh-waduh ! dan hampir semua pembicaraan tentang kelas, gue rekam di handphone gue.. and gue mau ngeburning rekaman ini ke bentuk mp3 buat kenang-kenangan.. ahahahaha..
Monday, 26 July 2010
inilah puncak penyelesaian masalahnya ! tiba-tiba semua anak IPa diharuskan untuk ke aula.. ini sangat memalukan.. anak ipa masa bikin onar .. (lebay lu ! )
dan kepala sekolah turun tangan.. dia berbicara di depan semua anak ipa, guru-guru yang terlibat pada mendengarkan di belakang kumpulan murid-murid, dan gue berada di tengah-tengah..
pertama, kepala sekolah membahas permasalahan.. lalu Dinda angkat berbicara.. lalu Tasrina yang merupakan mantan IPa 3 angkat bicara juga.. lalu, Joyeonghee pun ikut berbicara di depan ! ahhahahahaha( BAngga amat lu ! >>>>>>>>>>>> ~____~ )
ternyata erdapat keinginan dari IPa 3 yang masuk ke IPa 1.. mereka ingin keluar dari kelas kami.. sedih gue dengernya.. huftt :(
bahkan kepala sekolah sampai ingin membuat kelas nya dibaur lagi dengan SKBM di atas 75 ! .. macem-macem aja.. kasian IPA 2 yang gak tau apa-apa sama sekali..
lalu, terjadilah perang pendapat..
tak ada penyelesaian pasti..
Tuesday, 27 July 2010..............
pagi-pagi gue udah sakit perut aja.. walah.. ~_~ lalu tiba-tiba gue,tias, dinda, dan rai dipanggil kepala sekolah.. kepala sekolah mengatakan agar kami saling bekerja sama untuk membuat suasana kelas yang utuh.. wah.. sudah pasti akan kami lakukan !
keputusan mengatakan, bahwa anak-anak mantan IPA 3 akan mencoba bertahan hingga pertengahan semester.. jika tidak ada perubahan, maka akan dipecah ! TIDAK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
untuk menyambut mereka, kami mentraktir welcome drink.. ^__^ kebetulan hari itu tasrin berulang tahun.. kami saling tersenyum dan bertegur sapa satu sama lain.. dan hari itu gue bener-bener dapet pesta KUE ! ahahahahaha ! pertama kue dari mantan ipa 3, soft drink, dan kue dari ipa 1 ! hahahahaha
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
After Holiday !
gue harus mengejar nilai-nilai gue yang turun saat kelas 11 kemarin.. nilai gue sudah bisa untuk PMDK.. semoga aja ada PMDK di UI .. gue mau ikutan sastra Korea,Jepang, atau Inggris..
Gue suka sastra dan seni.. hampir semua jenis seni gue suka.. dimulai dari musik classic, melukis walaupun gue gak bisa, singing, tarian, and composer.. Beautifullllll !!!!!!!!!
dan gue juga suka banget sama buku.. dan gue pengen nerbitin buku.. seandainya bisa.. Ya harus BISA !
kenapa jadi nyambung ke seni ?
recananya, gue bakalan kerja dulu buat cari uang tambahan kuliah.. baru setelah itu, gue kuliah.. atau gak gue kuliah D3 dulu, kerja, baru nerusin S1.. gue mesti sekolah tinggi ! Gue harus bisa sekolah di luar negeri !
cukup sekian .. gue hanya ingin mencurahkan perasaan gue saat ini..
Saturday, July 17, 2010
K-Festival ...
awalnya gue sendirian di sana, tapi akhirnya Yessi and Tiwi datang menemani gue.. ^___^
gue punya temen ngobrol and bercanda..
di sana gue beli es krim kacang merah khas Korea Selatan and Onion Ring .... harga es krimnya yaitu Rp 6000-, dan Onion Ringnya Rp 6.500-,
menurut gue, acara cukup garing.. >>>> *pembaca: kok u jadi make kata-kata "Garing"? u kan benci dikatain kayak gitu !
Diem dah u semua !!!!!!!! >_<
well, maaf...... GAJEBO !
kita lanjutkan lagi, setelah dari sana gue berbelanja dengan keluarga gue.. dan hal itu lebih menyenangkan dibandingkan harus jalan ma orang lain kecuali keluarga sendiri !
asyik banget..
dan hari ini gue kesel banget ma Rizki ! Cukup ! Gak usah dibahas !
gue menjalani kehidupan dengan sebaik-baiknya sekarang.. tanpa beban, tanpa kejenuhan, dan tanpa keraguan kecuali keraguan ma Dia.. hehehehehehhehehe
kadang, gue juga berpikir untuk sendiri.. terasa bebas.. atau, mungkin gue pengen refreshing otak gue aja.. gue mau konsen ke hal-hal yang lebih penting sekarang.. gue pengen sekolah musik dan seni.. atau sekolah teknologi.. atau sekolah sastra korea,jepang, dan inggris..
oh, iya.. besok ada performance dari temen gue.. katanya dia mau ngedance ma Boys Generation.. hahahahahahha.. penasaran gue ma gayanya yang kemayu abis !
Friday, July 16, 2010
One Year Celebration of My Blog.. ! ^____^
hai para Pembaca.. gak kerasa gue udah setahun memelihara blog gue.. hehehhe..
Waiting for The Future..
Waiting is a bored thing in this world..
Monday, July 12, 2010
Despicable Me..
Film yang Lucu dan Imut yang pernah gue tonton setelah Toy Story.. ^^
Despicable Me is a 2010 American computer-animated 3-D feature film from Universal Studios and Illumination Entertainment that was released on July 9, 2010 in the USA. The film stars Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Julie Andrews, Will Arnett, Kristen Wiig, and Miranda Cosgrove.
In a happy suburban neighborhood surrounded by white picket fences and flowering rose bushes sits a black house with a dead lawn. Unbeknownst to the neighbors, hidden deep beneath this home is a vast secret hideout. Surrounded by an army of mischievous little minions, we discover Gru (Steve Carell). Gru is humiliated when a superior super-villain steals The Great Pyramid of Giza. Gru results to planning the biggest heist in the history of the world: he is going to steal the Moon. Gru tries to get a loan from the local Bank of Evil where he meets Vector (Jason Segel), and finds out that it was Vector who stole the Pyramids. The bank president refuses to give Gru a loan until he obtains the shrink ray for the plan.
Gru and his minions steal the shrink ray from a secret lab but it is soon stolen from them by Vector who gets away by shrinking Gru's aircraft. After several failed attempts to infiltrate Vector's base, Gru adopts Margo, Edith, and Agnes to help him get into Vector's base by having the girls sell him cookies which Gru replaces with his own cookie robots that steal the shrink ray from Vector's vault. Gru builds a relationship with the girls and decides to keep them as his own; however Dr. Nefario (Russell Brand) sees the girls as a distraction and has them sent back to the orphanage.
It is revealed that the bank president is Vector's father and explains its refusal to give Gru a loan. Gru shrinks the moon and steals it, but he is late for the girls dance recital which he promised to attend. Gru also finds out that Vector has kidnapped the girls and he sets out to rescue them. After being forced to give Vector the shrunken moon, Gru chases Vector in his aircraft where the girls are being held prisoner. Gru realizes that everything that gets shrunken by the ray eventually grows back to full size, and larger objects grow back faster.
During the chase, the moon begins to grow, and it breaks the cell that the girls were in. They all jump to Gru's aircraft and the moon is blasted back into space, with Vector marooned on it. Gru and the girls continue to live a happy life together at the films end.
- Steve Carell as Gru, the world's #2 supervillain and the film's protagonist.
- Jason Segel as Vector (a.k.a. Victor Perkins), the world's #1 supervillain and the film's antagonist.
- Russell Brand as Dr. Nefario, Gru's hearing impaired scientist assistant.
- Julie Andrews as Gru's mother.
- Will Arnett as Mr. Perkins, the Supervillain Bank president and Vector's father.
- Kristen Wiig as Miss Hattie, mistress of a local oprhanage.
- Miranda Cosgrove as Margo, the oldest girl of the group of orphans.
- Dana Gaier as Edith, the middle girl of the group of orphans.
- Elsie Fisher as Agnes, the youngest girl of the group of orphans.
- Pierre Coffin as Tim / Bob / Mark / Phil / Stuart, five of Gru's minions.
- Chris Renaud as Dave, one of Gru's minions.
- Philip Bolden as CJ
- Ken Jeong as Talk Show Host
- Danny R. McBride as Fred McDade, Gru's next door neighbor.
- Jack McBrayer as Tourist Father / Carnival Barker
- Mindy Kaling as Tourist Mother
- Jemaine Clement as Jerry, one of Gru's minions.
- Rob Huebel as Anchorman / Newscaster
The score to Despicable Me was composed by Pharrell Williams and Heitor Pereira, recorded with a 67-piece ensemble of the Hollywood Studio Symphony at the Newman Scoring Stage at 20th Century Fox.[3] Recording artists Pharrell, Lupe Fiasco and Robin Thicke also recorded songs for the film.[4]
Yeonghee And The Sky..
Beethoven Virus {베토벤 바이러스}
- Title: 베토벤 바이러스 / Beethoven Virus
- Genre: Romance, drama, comedy
- Episodes: 18
- Broadcast network: MBC
- Broadcast period: 2008-Sep-10 to 2008-Nov-12
- Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55
Kang Gun Woo is a world renowned orchestra maestro who is a perfectionist in his work. He is not an easy person to work with and is fear by all his players. By chance, he comes across Du Ru Mi, a violinist, and a young cop who has the same name as his and discovers that even without formal training, the young Kang is a music genius. The three soon get tangled in a love triangle.
- Kim Myung Min as Kang Gun Woo / Kang Ma Eh (Conductor)
- Lee Ji Ah as Du Ru Mi (Violin)
- Jang Geun Suk as Kang Gun Woo (Trumpet)
Extended Cast
- Lee Soon Jae as Kim Gab Yong (Oboe)
- Hyun Jyu Ni as Ha Yi Deun (Flute)
- Song Ok Sook as Jung Hee Yun (Cello)
- Park Chul Min as Bae Yong Gi (Trumpet)
- Jung Suk Yong as Park Hyuk Kwon (Double Bass)
- Lee Bong Gyu as Park Jin Man
- Kim Young Min as Jung Myung Hwan
- Jo Se Eun as Kim Joo Yeon
- Park Eun Joo as Kim Joo Hee
- Lee Han Wie as Kang Chun Bae
- Park Kil Soo as Kim Kye Jang
- Hwang Young Hee as Hyuk Kwon Cheo
- Baek Jae Jin
- Kim Ik
- Shin Dong Ki
Production Credits
- Production Company: Kim Jong Hak Production
- Chief Producer: Oh Kyung Hoon
- Producer: Park Chang Shik
- Director: Lee Jae Kyu
- Screenwriter: Hong Jin Ah, Hong Ja Ram
- 2009 Seoul International Drama Awards: Best Picture – Mini Series Award
- 2009 36th Korean Broadcasting Association Awards: Best Actor Kim Myung Min
- 2008 21st Producers Awards of Korea: Best TV Drama
- 2008 The 45th Baeksang Arts Awards: Best TV Actor Kim Myung Min
- 2008 MBC Drama Awards: Grand Prize Kim Myung Min
- 2008 MBC Drama Awards: Drama of the Year Award
- 2008 MBC Drama Awards: Male Newcomer Award Jang Geun Suk
- 2008 MBC Drama Awards: Special PD Award Lee Jae Kyu
- 2008 MBC Drama Awards: Golden Acting Award - Supporting Actor Park Chul Min
- 2008 MBC Drama Awards: Golden Acting Award - Mid-level Actor Song Ok Sook
- 2008 MBC Drama Awards: Writer of the Year Award: Hong Jin Ah and Hong Ja Ram
- 2008 The 2008 Grime Award: Special Award Song In-hyuk and Hong Sung-wook
- 2008 The National Assembly Society of Popular Culture & Media Award: Most Popular Drama in 2008
- 2008 The 9th Broadcaster Awards: Best Performance in Broadcasting Kim Myung Min
- 2008 The 3rd Korea Drama Festival: Grand Prize Kim Myung Min
My first Potatoes Fry sauce ^____^
ade gue udah ngerengek-rengek untuk masak makanan ini.. akhirnya, gue turutin saat kemaren pukul 17.30 wib..
oke, kita patungan 5000-5000.. beli cabe, bawang merah,kentang, and minyak sayur 1/4....
- waktunya mengupas.. hadoh ! lama bener ngupas nya doang.. mana nih kentang belinya 1 kg lagi..
- waktunya memotong.. wedew ! sama lamanya.. mana motongnya mesti tipis-tipis lagi.. gue putuskan untuk mandi and solat dahulu.. dan pekerjaan potong memotong, gue serahkan ke ade gue..
- waktunya menggoreng.. sama lamanya ! malahan sejam gue gorengnya.. waduh2....
- waktunya blender bumbu.. ah, ini mah 5 menit juga kelar..
- waktunya mencampur bumbu dengan kentangnya.. ah, ini maah 10 menit juga kelar..
- waktunya mencicipi.. GubRA K ! kagak ada rasanya ! !!!!!!
beloon.... gue lupa masukin garam and mecin ke dalam bumbunya ketika ditumis.. ~___~ saking lapernya, gue ampe lupa..
tepat pukul 20.30 wib, kentang ini baru jadi ! Tapi, nih kentang tetep aja ludes dimakan warga serumah....
lebih bisa mengendalikan emosi
lebih memikirkan masa depan yang akan diarungi
lebih bersikap hormat dan sopan kepada semua orang
lebih tau yang benar dan yang salah tergantung dari sudut pandang orang yang melihatnya
sebenarnya, dewasa itu bukan hal yang sulit.. tapi nafsu dunia yang sulit untuk dibasmi agar dapat mencapai kedewasaan itu.. fuihhhh.... dulu gue selalu berpikiran secara matang saat mengambil tindakan.. sekarang, malah jadi orang yang tergesa-gesa.. Kacau !! bisa dibilang kedewasaan gue berada di tempat saat gue Junior High School .. sekarang gue sedang ingin bertingkah sesuai keinginan gue.. ya, walaupun hanya setahun.. gak apa-apa kan ^____^ v
Kedewasaan itu akan dateng lagi ke gue seperti dahulu.. OHHHHHHH.. I miss my maturity T___T
gue kangen dengan Yeonghee yang dulu bisa berpikir secara jernih.. Hiksss.. Ini waktunya untuk Serius Belajar ! rata-rata raport gue mesti 84- keatas ! gue pengen beasiswa !!!!!!!!!!!! akan tetapi, gue perlu buku panduan untuk belajar.. mesti ada ini mah.. harus !
Monday, July 5, 2010
My Cat Again.. ^^
kita bicarakan tentang kucing-kucing gue yang mulai beranjak besar.. hehehe
Friday, July 2, 2010
Trouble Maker Label
Namie Amuro_I Will
Do As Infinity_Tangerine Dream
The Real of All....
intinya, gue sayang sama Dia.. dulu mungkin rasa sayang gue buat kak Rian besar banget, tapi itu semua berubah ketika gue ketemu sama Dia.. gue juga gak tau apa yang nyebabin gue bisa sayang banget ma Dia.. percaya ataupun gak, gue udah gak sayang sama kak Rian sekarang.. semua karena Dia.. Satu-satunya orang yang bisa ngerebut hati gue sepenuhnya..
Yo............ Bonjour monde..
pukul 05.47 wib.. gue melihat ke dapur.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Drowning in sadness..
I always remember it when I see,hear, feel, watch, and playing basketball..
I just want to Cry along my day..
Will it happen again ?? that's impossible thing to me..
I lose my hope.. lose it, maybe forever..
I look like a stupid girl .. like a crash.. and I hate it so much because it often hurt my heart..
I don't know..
I am feeling it now..
I can only cry to keep dissapointed..
Feel this way.. and find the other way to get my happiness..
How to find it ?? I am so tired..
I want to get my dream..
There are a mirrors in front of me,beside,behind.left.right, along this way..
I must break them all for find my real personality again..
I will....
I think I must get it well.. one more hurt, I will hate forever..
I never give apologize for people who hurt my heart so deep..
I am hurting..
Just Stay In The Other World..
The World stand with Peace and long happily ever after..
Save Me in The Glass case..
and stealth my live..
and I stand in it as an empty body..
maybe I will get calmness..
by Joyeonghee..
This is my feeling.. I am sad....